Friday, September 28, 2012

the planetary spirits

to most modern people, who read the horoscopes in the newspapers, its all a bunch of baloney and just worth a laugh or two, or a coffee break at work. they simply believe astrology is a complete joke and only fools believe in it. i also was told so when i was young, astrology is like witchcraft, strictly forbidden only evil people practice it and believe in it. funny thing is when i was about 28 yrs old. i discovered something very interesting. i looked at the very basics of astrology, the sun signs. according to western astrology, the earth goes around the sun, but it appears to be from our vantage point to be the other way around, the sun runs through the 12 constellations of the zodiak, progressing 30° of heaven each month, or about 1° per day. so in 1 year the sun goes through all those constellations from capricorn to aquarius, pisces, and all the others. now this also works for all other planets, the inner planets as well as the outer gas giants and even tiny pluto. they all run around the sun in their due time. every planet has a certain"character " to him, or what he stands for. so do all the constellations. astrology works also with measurements, so it matters wether planets oppose each other or are in conjunction, form squares or triangles. astrologers in former times had to make much calculation but today you can go to and just print it out. its just a simple mouseclick away. some people go incredibly deep into astrology, which i will probly never do why ? it is terrible to know your own future and knowing other peoples future also gives you LOTS of responsibility. most of the time also people wont believe you and when you lived a couple years in my skin realizing you know all these things and whatever you say people will categorically deny and then later watch like fools as it happens anyway. that really sucks and i can understand the prophets of old who shared a similar fate. its not an easy life.

but lets get back to astrology. astronomy and astrology was in ancient times ALWAYS combined in one stream of learning. it was the basis for wisemen, chaldeans, soothsayers and prophets of many if not all pagan cultures. why is that ? very simple: because inside the planets of the planetary system we are in, there are spiritual entities that give all those planets a certain character, much like you or your friends each have a certain body size, look, way of speaking and reasoning. so these planets also do and make up the whole system. now every time a soul gets born on earth, the spiritual "cocktail" or "mix", formed by how and where the planets are standing is making up the new character of that person being born. dont believe me ? well many people dont believe. but it is like mathematics. i looked at some simple sun signs (the sun is the most important and prominent element of any natal or birth chart, it defines your main character). and realized my mother is a scorpio while my father is a fish(pisces). i myself am capricorn, and all my planets are huddled in one corner of the chart which gives kindova "tunnel-vision" sometimes, such people have it hard to focus on several things at a time and can go to great detail when having focussed at something. now does that sound like me ? absolutely. especially when i was a teenager and not so balanced character yet. i would sometimes go running for hours 5 times a week, just because i had "made up my mind". like a bull that had seen the red cloth i was totally out of control and totally focussed. today i see that all reflected in my chart. look it up i was born 3rd january 1981. i never understood my mother why she wold behave the way she did, she can be a real pain in the axx sometimes and make everybodys life hard criticizing things that are perfectly ok. why was she like this ? because he denies astrology, my father will never know even tho he lived with her for 35 years now. (he is very tolerant person, a bit of a dreamer,  and also works in the medical field, a typical thing for a pisces person). well when i learned about astrology and that my mother was a scorpio i suddenly understood EVERYTHING. and for 25 yrs of my life people had hammered "jesus and jesus only" into my head, "all else is evil and of the devil". now i reply to those people: i never understood my mother for 30 yrs because of fake "jesus freaks" like them who hve never seen a single miracle in their lives performed by their "pastors" and clergy. but by looking at the simplest astrological truths i could totally see why she acted that way and understand the situation and take precautions for the future. so we can see that sometimes we have to doublecheck things before making a decision and test everything before we believe it, because stupid ignorance is the landmark of a base character.
so once you realized that planetary spirits are real the question comes to mind. does tthe same thing apply for deaths also. does it matter wether we die at night (darkness, bad omen), or bright daylight in summer (bright happy omen). or even more the exact time and date we transfer from this lifeform into the next form of existence (because all humans and animals have life spirit in them which is eternal, like energy it will always survive the mortal body, and karma will determine the next form of existence). well i dont know (yet). and probably dont wanna know. sometimes life is much easier when not knowing too much. i only find time and time again proof that "coincidence" is actually a misnomer because there are various rules and regularities embedded in the system we live in, so its a pretty stupid thing to say "everything is just coincidence so i dont care".
now i could go through the different planets and what they stand for, and the houses, the trines, oppositions, the ascendent, the midheaven and all other things. but probably you can watch an introductory youtube video or read from an easy understandable website. its not always important to know everything about everything, its always good to go from the main pattern to the details, to keep the overview. people who dont hve an overview cant see any details either. so i leva it up to you to delve into the subject, but careful dont delve too deep otherwise you will become a complete crystal-gazing, headscarf-wearing, tool who works at the dog & pony show reading to people from their coffee cups.(lol)
other forms of divinery in the past were reading the palmlines on the hand (another interesting subject, since unlike astrology, most authors completely agree on most of the main aspects of the craft), reading from the liver of dead animals, from droplets of oil inside a cup, dowsing, tarot cards, ouija boards and many many other things. me personally i am not interested in any of those things. why ? because most people who think that when they commune with spirits, they have them in their command. of course thats a complete joke, spirits outlive by far any human being and are much more powerful, but need humans to operate through. and if you dont pay attention they will completely use you up until you´re an empty battery or dried up apple. even the highest of all spirits, the creator spirit (YHVH) is like this. dont believe me ? well i used to work for him and was a christian missionary for some short years. the spirit of christ is very real, and is the center of all civilization and time. without christianity, nothing would be like it is today, everybody would be greedy and screwing each other over, nothing would work at all, at all. problem is g-d also sometimes asks to much too quickly. and asks to pass certain boundaries people are not willing to commit to. well its up to each one individually how much he wants to contribute, and how to live so in the end his karma (what is written in the "book of life") decides what his fate will be, and which time and age he will again be reincarnated into.
ok enough now, go already to youtube or a website of your choice and learn about your natal chart and what it means. then you will also understand why certain people in your environment behave in a certain matter.

by the way looking at all those other false characters we learned about in my blog and other blogs, this is also a handy tool to use when youre not shure wether a character is fake or real. sometimes you can check it by simply looking at the supposed birth date. a good astrologer can tell you already wether its likely the person can behave in a certain pattern over a long period of time, or if its really unlikely, to say the least.
if you take for example a cancer person and compare him to a sagittarius, theres just no way in the world they can act the same, because they are designed totally differently. but enough of that already. i need to rest my head a bit. can anybody bring some snacks, a cat-sandwich or burger for ALF please i am kinda hungry..

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