Monday, April 29, 2013
astroNOT gene cernan played by charlton heston, and father of fake german christoph waltz the "jew-hunter"
kshe elohim bara ta choshekh
hu bara lanu yareakh
she yir-u ekh anachnu bodedim
et ha yareach sam gavoa
shelo nuchal lingoa
veyesh kama she adayin menaism
yeladim mit-offefim
kadurim kchulim sgulim
veha or she melave oto tzoneach
ze or hayareach
kshe elohim bara ta choshech
hu bara lanu yareach
she yir-u ekh anachnu pochadim
et ha yareach sam gavoa
shelo nuchal lingoa
veyesh kama she adain menasim
hayeladim mit-offeffim
kadurim kchulim sgulim
veha or she melaveh oto tzoreach
ze or ha yareach..... ze rak or hayareach...
finnish prez tarja halonen played by edie mcClurg
hem baim ken hem baim, ha moominim hamuflaim
betoch haemek hamale simkha
im mai vekol hamishpacha
mishpachat moomin, mishpachat moomin
ohavim hem letayel
velifamim lehishtolel
moomin shelanu, moomin troll...
ito ba emek gara kol, mishpachat moomin
mishpachat moomin, mishpachat moomin
mishpachat moomin, mishpachat moomin, mishpachat moomin
moomin aba chaviv, shmanman vegadol
moomin eema tamid metapelet bakol
ba bayit katan hem garim beshalva ve ahava
im harbe yedidim ve harbe chaverim
ba emek kassum umuzar hem garim
naflig el ha emek hamale simkha
kulanu yachad
kulanu yachad
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
the cocky proud iranian spirit
we can see the iranian people unable to defend themselves against the crypto government that sneaked in and now like a timebomb tries to stir up trouble. iran has a per capita gdp between 10K and 20K annually, so its not a global player but has ambitions, and needs electricity for a large populace. so whats better, cheaper more efficient than building 1 or 2 reactors rather than using old stinky coal plants ? atomic power is the ideal solution but the zio-nuts in need for a new scapegoat now used it in their smearpress to start trouble. since we warded off the attack through our blogs + hand to mouth propaganda, they now try North Korea instead with the small fat slob dictator. remember they are lucifers minions and have to bring his 3rd cataclysm about as its written in his explan file. funny enough even the iranian military uses israeli-type uzis as seen will later also see farsi isnt as close to hebrew as aramaic, but still theres obvious connection. as described before, the nations are ruled by spiritual rulers, and they merely take the blueprint, then change it a little bit, and voilá, there you go, a new nation is born... as we read davyd flynns "temple at the center of time" we see not only the fall of nations but also their birthdays and other important historical events are DIRECTLY CONNECTED to the center of space+time on earth, the temple mount moriah at jerusalem, israel...
todays south-western iran includes areas where formerly "kasdim" or chaldea, the epicenter of astrology and hermetic wisdom, was located.(remember "Kaldun" means sorcerer in russian). we also know from tanakh g-d has placed the lower planetary and zodiacal spirits in place for their assigned duties but HATES AND ABHORRS when people start to worship them, and fail to look 2 or 3 floors higher, to the transcendental plane, that he is master over all material emanations, and punishes nations who egotistically wax rich by misusing the hermetic wisdom granted (egyt babylon), rather than supporting his overall design... probly there is more to this whole iran war than our western minds are able to grasp.. remember western thought is EXTREMELY using only a single port from a wideband network router. when you´re not conected to a g-d who will work around you, you have to do everything bit by bit, like using an abakus instead of a modern calculator...just yesterday my sis from berlin who studies psychology sent me a powerpoint presentation for proofread. i still marvel i grew up on this whole way of thinking, all those fancy terminology with the many isms, and people creating an endless array of categories for new brain deseases trying to getting their thoughts in order. while ignoring that psyche was a greek demon g-ddess. if i tell my sister. she says it has NOTHING TO DO with psychology.... very LOL ! but thats how humanistic people think...of course they all believe they are "ardent christians on fire for the L-ORD", but fail to see in a single fart from a young israeli serving on a westbank outpost theres still more life, zest + joy than in all those longwinding sermons about "cheezuuzz" and how the jews have it all wrong.... they read the OT as if it was written by plato, pythagoras and all those other pederasts of javan, the wine-meddled blue-eyed mediterranean empire..(remember most adultry is committed by carefree youths, and greece was a relatively young empire)...for them its all brains, but hebrew life is about feeling truth, not just cranial reasoning, and retarded "preaching"... its an old ester ofarim "shlager", smelling a rimon or some figs from an orchard in the golan, riding a camel from masada to en bokek, listening to the water dripple at en gedi, reading tanakh in the one original tounge..thats why the jews are unbeatable.. they understand what life is all about...
the iranians have all a country needs, but of course are far removed from the former hegemonial pole position. the powerpole was passed one and migrated away. we see above like in all muslim and western countries (in fact all countries on earth), the commoners strongly identify with their leaders, having no clue of their real ethnic identity.. thats because human beings are naturally attacted by positives like truth, reason, beauty, strength, ability, everything that gives life. like the sun which we all adore, seeing it is our lifesource... so these cryptos still radiate more life to them than they can produce by themselves. thats why they are in charge. and we can see the ancient omen of jacob fulfilled "the sceptre shall not depart from juda"..
probly you hve seen the movie about alexander the great, starring val kilmer as alexander. a great watch. mark the funny persian hats the soldiers are wearing. (not these in the pics above, i´m talkin bout the movie) are those possibly the phrygian hats, known in the mysteries as representing the male foreskin ? i dunno, but they shure look funny....
now look at this basejumping exercize. made by men of the 65th elite brigade of paratroops. (tzankhanim)
if this is the elite of the former mighty persian empire, today every weekend-jumper in america can do better. go watch the following video and skip 2 minutes into it... you´ll see how the US boys are doin it.
the iranian commandos have the small activating chute in their hands, and throw it soon as they start to fall.
now watch the americans perform 3 summersaults or flips before pulling their chutes only like 100yrds above ground level... thats almost a HALO jump. you can see the great difference of where those 2 nations are at today...remember material wealth is an indicator, and follows spiritual the GDP is a marker of the overall condition of a people. american GDP is about 3 times higher than the remnants of mighty Persia.
we live inside the active process called earth and a creator source that reveals himself even while the action is in progress. so no wonder most people cannot understand what we talk about, since its their fate to live, but not to understand everything...its better this way... so do iranians have a bad life.. no not at all, the sun shines for them, they can grow plants, herd animals, weave carpets, make love with their wives, go do some tourism in china or russia... not a bad life at all...they have mountains, cars, coastline, deserts, cities and villages...hope they can love the truth enough to see who is enslaving them and how to counter this trend...
well i already described that...those commandos arent real commandoes... but as you´ll later see they honestly believe due to the propaganda everywhere, they can defeat the US (remember weimar germany)...
yes the usual fast-roping...but i´ve seen better serving my 9 months in calw, KSK, germany...
(washing cars in the transport company)
so we see our spiritual karma matters about what will happen in future lives, what conditions we will reap...
remember king darios, king of persians...called daryavesh in evrit.
theres also a snowboarder famous in the 90s called darius heristkhian... nobody was able to pronounce his name, its kinda complicated...iran also has some good skiing resorts like dizin in the north, near caspian sea.
the lifts are working, and tom sims + jake burton should be proud to see so many snowboarders in a land far away some 40 years after inventing one of the best sports in world history...
mark the boarders shown here have red hair, irish and scotsh rebels were always spiritual attracted of places of intensity, known to be rebel-rousers themselves.. never underestimate the laws of spiritual attraction.
we see the snow is white there, too...
here a simple ad sign... of course english is taught as lingua franca globally today.
all those reports about detention or kiling of american spies is a bunch of HOGWASH. greenberg famly..
now to something deeper... pay attention to the farsi alphabet... many letters still pronounced the same as in the original hebrew, bu written totally differently and the whole alphabet is kinda topsy turvy. like putting puzzle-pieces in a box, shaking the box and arranging into a new order... thats now what those persians speak !! and theach their children !! and have no idea its connected to the primeval tounge...
modern scientists claim some shady "proto-indo-german language" was the first on the planet..
probly thats why "proto-indo-european" bankers run our world today and produce the best art + music..
they should probly wear some persian hats while preaching this from their ivy league pulpits.. lawl...
we can see the propaganda war in full swing... what terrible lies are told here...sometimes it makes u want to destroy all masonic temples and kill those highpriests of our world government for all their evil lies..
but wait, why kill when we could strap them onto Jim Slip´s dildochair or into his iron bondage-cage ?
do u know the Lolcat-bible ? if not, you´ve missed something.... i translated isaiah 45.. they now put it into print, go grab a copy for only 10$... its a great read...
in the early 90s, we loved the computer game "prince of persia". they recently made a new game of the same name.. but everytime i tell my game-addicted young ´uns where this term comes from, they again deny it all. because the denying energy yet has such strong pull on them, through all the modern media they consume, separated from their source spirit..
ok so wheres that prince of persia.... wait its not here...thats just michael, prince of israel..
hmm he isnt here either... lets try a bit further down...
here the prince of persia, daniel 10:13. if u read tanakh and believe that nations grow just by accident without design, you dont read tanakh at all...
ok here another rediculous propaganda poster... how can u get rid of these a--holes ?
theyre like the plague or the literal turd that wont flush...
this one i found while watching "baraka" a great movie to watch to zoom out and relax... its an iranian mosque filled with mirror-stones and lights. a spectacular view...truly much money and many hours of work went into this place holy to the iranians...zoroastrianism is another old religion still alive, fire worship. still some followers in persia, but in "the two babylons" its described what zoroastrianism really is...
we can see the detailed work these iranian muslim performed for this crystal palace... much like their precisely knit persian rugs, who cost many thousand dollars and take much time to knit...
in this "latma" episode, they made fun of the iranian "spaceship" claim.. watch how captain kirk here wears a funny moustache and retarded hairstyle....when 2 yrs ago i translated some episodes into german + french, i wondered why nobody liked to watch it. only like a couple dozen or hundred clicks for a hilarious comedy in a country with 80mio population ? now having figured in fact mocking others is so widespread for crypto comedians, it kinda gives u a reality check.. also remember many young people hating everything israel... now go figure i´f they´ve had the pleasure of "getting to know" jim slip or any of those other "gentlemen" who took their virginity promising to make them a supermodel, is that a wonder ? being raised a protestant kid, never understood the strong reactions connected with the subject... but now u can see.. i mean we´re talking about an actor sitting in the zentralrat calling himself dieter graumann when in fact thats not his real name, neither did his parents die in the holocaust as he claims... bunch of fakers ! well i´ll hve to wait until my "righteous wrath of ALF" subsides and finally watch latma again laughing heartily at their hilarious stuff..
didnt meet many persians so far in my life.. one guy was a berlin hat vendor as theyre everywhere in the tourist areas, selling the old russian fur-hats and red-army officers hats.. he was tall with black hair and refined features (like commonly seen in italians, or arabian thoroughbread, basically every people that once was ruler).. when he negociated prices he stooped forward, so as to pay close attention to what the buyer was about to offer...
check out this surfer chick riding waves in iran wearing a fullbody hijab.
the term "bodyglove" gets a whole new meaning. again mark the red hair, an wild-spirited irish lass...
another iranian i met while driving pizza for a small restaurant in 1999.... he helped out there sometimes, yet another tall, blackhaired character... once he spoke arabic or italian with the foreman, and they started jesting and joking around throwing raw eggs at each other while in the kitchen, laughing like little girls.. i was the low-wage earner and obviously i was to clean up their shxt afterwards so told em to knock it off... the iranian guy didnt care squat and began to lash back, throwing even more eggs...LOL
during the JHOPFAN conference 2009 jerusalem, there was only 1 single event that made me really really nervous and p-ssed me off BIG TIME... we were about to drive home from ramat rahel to our living quarters in eastern jerusalem, in a car dispatched only for team members.. of course some 30-something weirdo who wanted to become a "famous radio pastor" in iran, weazeled into the car hitching a ride... "cant u gimme a lift, can i hang out at the ministry house, cant i hve some food ?" i dont know exactly what it is, bu this guy was just PLAIN WEIRD... its like he talked the entire ride, couldnt keep his trap shut, and CONSTANTLY said offensive stuff without even realizing that he just p-ssed everyone a radio that wont stop babbling....until like 5 minutes later i set him straight, and u could hear a needle drop in the car. after that blissful silence for the rest of the drive nobody said a that probly part of the iranian spirit, (remember ARIES region creating conflict), war-seeking ? it appears like it..he was another thin tall guy with black hair...i was glad i didnt hve to meet him anymore after that..
remember those rugs are the best in the world.. but takes a lot of time to knit them...
now the chinese make a cheap knock-off , as they always do, hehe...
bikashta madrasa, kibalta kabala.... u wanted a madrasa (islamic school), what u got was the kabbala....
todays south-western iran includes areas where formerly "kasdim" or chaldea, the epicenter of astrology and hermetic wisdom, was located.(remember "Kaldun" means sorcerer in russian). we also know from tanakh g-d has placed the lower planetary and zodiacal spirits in place for their assigned duties but HATES AND ABHORRS when people start to worship them, and fail to look 2 or 3 floors higher, to the transcendental plane, that he is master over all material emanations, and punishes nations who egotistically wax rich by misusing the hermetic wisdom granted (egyt babylon), rather than supporting his overall design... probly there is more to this whole iran war than our western minds are able to grasp.. remember western thought is EXTREMELY using only a single port from a wideband network router. when you´re not conected to a g-d who will work around you, you have to do everything bit by bit, like using an abakus instead of a modern calculator...just yesterday my sis from berlin who studies psychology sent me a powerpoint presentation for proofread. i still marvel i grew up on this whole way of thinking, all those fancy terminology with the many isms, and people creating an endless array of categories for new brain deseases trying to getting their thoughts in order. while ignoring that psyche was a greek demon g-ddess. if i tell my sister. she says it has NOTHING TO DO with psychology.... very LOL ! but thats how humanistic people think...of course they all believe they are "ardent christians on fire for the L-ORD", but fail to see in a single fart from a young israeli serving on a westbank outpost theres still more life, zest + joy than in all those longwinding sermons about "cheezuuzz" and how the jews have it all wrong.... they read the OT as if it was written by plato, pythagoras and all those other pederasts of javan, the wine-meddled blue-eyed mediterranean empire..(remember most adultry is committed by carefree youths, and greece was a relatively young empire)...for them its all brains, but hebrew life is about feeling truth, not just cranial reasoning, and retarded "preaching"... its an old ester ofarim "shlager", smelling a rimon or some figs from an orchard in the golan, riding a camel from masada to en bokek, listening to the water dripple at en gedi, reading tanakh in the one original tounge..thats why the jews are unbeatable.. they understand what life is all about...
the iranians have all a country needs, but of course are far removed from the former hegemonial pole position. the powerpole was passed one and migrated away. we see above like in all muslim and western countries (in fact all countries on earth), the commoners strongly identify with their leaders, having no clue of their real ethnic identity.. thats because human beings are naturally attacted by positives like truth, reason, beauty, strength, ability, everything that gives life. like the sun which we all adore, seeing it is our lifesource... so these cryptos still radiate more life to them than they can produce by themselves. thats why they are in charge. and we can see the ancient omen of jacob fulfilled "the sceptre shall not depart from juda"..
probly you hve seen the movie about alexander the great, starring val kilmer as alexander. a great watch. mark the funny persian hats the soldiers are wearing. (not these in the pics above, i´m talkin bout the movie) are those possibly the phrygian hats, known in the mysteries as representing the male foreskin ? i dunno, but they shure look funny....
now look at this basejumping exercize. made by men of the 65th elite brigade of paratroops. (tzankhanim)
if this is the elite of the former mighty persian empire, today every weekend-jumper in america can do better. go watch the following video and skip 2 minutes into it... you´ll see how the US boys are doin it.
the iranian commandos have the small activating chute in their hands, and throw it soon as they start to fall.
now watch the americans perform 3 summersaults or flips before pulling their chutes only like 100yrds above ground level... thats almost a HALO jump. you can see the great difference of where those 2 nations are at today...remember material wealth is an indicator, and follows spiritual the GDP is a marker of the overall condition of a people. american GDP is about 3 times higher than the remnants of mighty Persia.
we live inside the active process called earth and a creator source that reveals himself even while the action is in progress. so no wonder most people cannot understand what we talk about, since its their fate to live, but not to understand everything...its better this way... so do iranians have a bad life.. no not at all, the sun shines for them, they can grow plants, herd animals, weave carpets, make love with their wives, go do some tourism in china or russia... not a bad life at all...they have mountains, cars, coastline, deserts, cities and villages...hope they can love the truth enough to see who is enslaving them and how to counter this trend...
well i already described that...those commandos arent real commandoes... but as you´ll later see they honestly believe due to the propaganda everywhere, they can defeat the US (remember weimar germany)...
yes the usual fast-roping...but i´ve seen better serving my 9 months in calw, KSK, germany...
(washing cars in the transport company)
so we see our spiritual karma matters about what will happen in future lives, what conditions we will reap...
remember king darios, king of persians...called daryavesh in evrit.
theres also a snowboarder famous in the 90s called darius heristkhian... nobody was able to pronounce his name, its kinda complicated...iran also has some good skiing resorts like dizin in the north, near caspian sea.
the lifts are working, and tom sims + jake burton should be proud to see so many snowboarders in a land far away some 40 years after inventing one of the best sports in world history...
mark the boarders shown here have red hair, irish and scotsh rebels were always spiritual attracted of places of intensity, known to be rebel-rousers themselves.. never underestimate the laws of spiritual attraction.
we see the snow is white there, too...
here a simple ad sign... of course english is taught as lingua franca globally today.
all those reports about detention or kiling of american spies is a bunch of HOGWASH. greenberg famly..
now to something deeper... pay attention to the farsi alphabet... many letters still pronounced the same as in the original hebrew, bu written totally differently and the whole alphabet is kinda topsy turvy. like putting puzzle-pieces in a box, shaking the box and arranging into a new order... thats now what those persians speak !! and theach their children !! and have no idea its connected to the primeval tounge...
modern scientists claim some shady "proto-indo-german language" was the first on the planet..
probly thats why "proto-indo-european" bankers run our world today and produce the best art + music..
they should probly wear some persian hats while preaching this from their ivy league pulpits.. lawl...
we can see the propaganda war in full swing... what terrible lies are told here...sometimes it makes u want to destroy all masonic temples and kill those highpriests of our world government for all their evil lies..
but wait, why kill when we could strap them onto Jim Slip´s dildochair or into his iron bondage-cage ?
do u know the Lolcat-bible ? if not, you´ve missed something.... i translated isaiah 45.. they now put it into print, go grab a copy for only 10$... its a great read...
in the early 90s, we loved the computer game "prince of persia". they recently made a new game of the same name.. but everytime i tell my game-addicted young ´uns where this term comes from, they again deny it all. because the denying energy yet has such strong pull on them, through all the modern media they consume, separated from their source spirit..
ok so wheres that prince of persia.... wait its not here...thats just michael, prince of israel..
hmm he isnt here either... lets try a bit further down...
here the prince of persia, daniel 10:13. if u read tanakh and believe that nations grow just by accident without design, you dont read tanakh at all...
ok here another rediculous propaganda poster... how can u get rid of these a--holes ?
theyre like the plague or the literal turd that wont flush...
this one i found while watching "baraka" a great movie to watch to zoom out and relax... its an iranian mosque filled with mirror-stones and lights. a spectacular view...truly much money and many hours of work went into this place holy to the iranians...zoroastrianism is another old religion still alive, fire worship. still some followers in persia, but in "the two babylons" its described what zoroastrianism really is...
we can see the detailed work these iranian muslim performed for this crystal palace... much like their precisely knit persian rugs, who cost many thousand dollars and take much time to knit...
in this "latma" episode, they made fun of the iranian "spaceship" claim.. watch how captain kirk here wears a funny moustache and retarded hairstyle....when 2 yrs ago i translated some episodes into german + french, i wondered why nobody liked to watch it. only like a couple dozen or hundred clicks for a hilarious comedy in a country with 80mio population ? now having figured in fact mocking others is so widespread for crypto comedians, it kinda gives u a reality check.. also remember many young people hating everything israel... now go figure i´f they´ve had the pleasure of "getting to know" jim slip or any of those other "gentlemen" who took their virginity promising to make them a supermodel, is that a wonder ? being raised a protestant kid, never understood the strong reactions connected with the subject... but now u can see.. i mean we´re talking about an actor sitting in the zentralrat calling himself dieter graumann when in fact thats not his real name, neither did his parents die in the holocaust as he claims... bunch of fakers ! well i´ll hve to wait until my "righteous wrath of ALF" subsides and finally watch latma again laughing heartily at their hilarious stuff..
didnt meet many persians so far in my life.. one guy was a berlin hat vendor as theyre everywhere in the tourist areas, selling the old russian fur-hats and red-army officers hats.. he was tall with black hair and refined features (like commonly seen in italians, or arabian thoroughbread, basically every people that once was ruler).. when he negociated prices he stooped forward, so as to pay close attention to what the buyer was about to offer...
check out this surfer chick riding waves in iran wearing a fullbody hijab.
the term "bodyglove" gets a whole new meaning. again mark the red hair, an wild-spirited irish lass...
another iranian i met while driving pizza for a small restaurant in 1999.... he helped out there sometimes, yet another tall, blackhaired character... once he spoke arabic or italian with the foreman, and they started jesting and joking around throwing raw eggs at each other while in the kitchen, laughing like little girls.. i was the low-wage earner and obviously i was to clean up their shxt afterwards so told em to knock it off... the iranian guy didnt care squat and began to lash back, throwing even more eggs...LOL
during the JHOPFAN conference 2009 jerusalem, there was only 1 single event that made me really really nervous and p-ssed me off BIG TIME... we were about to drive home from ramat rahel to our living quarters in eastern jerusalem, in a car dispatched only for team members.. of course some 30-something weirdo who wanted to become a "famous radio pastor" in iran, weazeled into the car hitching a ride... "cant u gimme a lift, can i hang out at the ministry house, cant i hve some food ?" i dont know exactly what it is, bu this guy was just PLAIN WEIRD... its like he talked the entire ride, couldnt keep his trap shut, and CONSTANTLY said offensive stuff without even realizing that he just p-ssed everyone a radio that wont stop babbling....until like 5 minutes later i set him straight, and u could hear a needle drop in the car. after that blissful silence for the rest of the drive nobody said a that probly part of the iranian spirit, (remember ARIES region creating conflict), war-seeking ? it appears like it..he was another thin tall guy with black hair...i was glad i didnt hve to meet him anymore after that..
remember those rugs are the best in the world.. but takes a lot of time to knit them...
now the chinese make a cheap knock-off , as they always do, hehe...
bikashta madrasa, kibalta kabala.... u wanted a madrasa (islamic school), what u got was the kabbala....