Thursday, February 28, 2013

all languages of the world are a corruption of hebrew

ok since like mentioned before i just finished reading "the two babylons" by alexander hislop, i wanna write some more again about hebrew language, and that its actually the first (and last) languages on earth. and everybody who says anything else can kiss my ass. we know everybody claims his language is the oldest. the turks say catal hüyük was the oldest city and their language the oldest. the arabs say damascus was older, an ancient ancient city and still inhabited.. the chinese say no we have even older excavation sites. the modern israelis say jericho was inhabited as early as 8000 BC and hebrew would be just another language like any other, nothing special at all... so everybody claims his stuff is the oldest. and thinks himself to be the peak of cultural heritage and beacon to the world...
now i ask u the following, how many turks, chinese and arabs do you see today run a global bank, investment firm or international company ? hehehe, you know what i wanna say by that ? so how come if all those languages come from a supposed hardly traceable shadowy indo-european root somwhere from iran ? does that make sense ? iran once the persian empire, persepolis today is only an archaeological site that you can visit for less than 2 dollars.. the power has shifted, and now the hustle is somewhere else... there is no lack of excavation sites on the globe where shortlived empires built their nifty shrines, temples, trade routes and banks, only a couple hundred years later to be overpowered by the next, materially minded greedy they rank the list of the UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE sites and many people travel there to see the "greatness" of these "magnificent" ancestors.
so look how similar this akadian here is to the modern hebrew, which is still the same language by which the tanakh of old was written. since the 7th day of rest hasnt come yet, and creation of g-d isnt complete, and still struggle going on on earth, we know that the creation process mentioned in genesis 1 is not completely finished yet. can you see how similar akkadian is to hebrew ? akkadian is dead today, nobody speaks it apart from some scholars, who dig up old cuneiform tablets and try to decypher it by help of the rosetta stone. making careful lists of all the syllabic signs and logographs(word-graphs)...
 this here (ancient-scripts) is a good website to have an overview over languages. it sports some nifty maps, and basic explanations. (and pretends hebrew is only one of many semitic languages and not older than 10BCE), think about that for a joke. i think david letterman should bring this one in his next SNL episode !
 now lets look at arabic.. arabic here in blue, hebrew in red. can you see something ? arabs scream out "yes arabic and hebrew are both semitic, very much related, but in no way did we steal the jews language"....
 arabic is today spoken in so many countries. all of north africa. and in rising muslim communities of europe.
its writing is kinda weird and curvy, and very small. theres 3 ways to write each letter, an initial, regular and final form, depending wether where in the word the letter is placed. not a bad corruption of hebrew, but i´ve clearly seen better ! lets continue on....
 then look at this, it is syriac, the modern form of aramaic. aramaic was once the lingua franca in the entire middle east and fertile crescent. kinda like english today. the peshitta, syriac bible is written in that language, and supposedly jesus talked it too. still used today in parts of iran, iraq and syria. see the similarity ? it even has exactly 22 letters like the hebrew... watch on youtube how little iraqi kids today learn the alphabet in a nursery rhyme...i wrote the alef beit in red letters right next to it... we can see its the same alphabet only writen differently and with minor deviations...

here some vocabulary to show again how close the syriac/assyrian/aramaic is again to the original. 
 the old writing form of aramaic , what a surprise , also looks like middle hebrew or phoenician. but of course the aramaic is the older, better language, and the jews kinda stole it later from them... wow i almost believe it ! see theres 5000 madonna, elvis and elton-john impersonators worldwide, but the original madonna and elvis are only a copy of their impersonators ?? how silly can it possibly get ??
 this is chaldean. spoken by the neo-babylonian empire about 600BC  its hard to find a dictionary for this as a pdf. chaldea was an epicenter of divinery and astrology. in ancient days a "chaldean" was synonym for "stargazer" or "diviner". today in russian "kaldun" means sorcerer. can you see how similar again everything is. i wrote some hebrew words next to the chaldean words for comparison. now people say "yeah but thats just coincidence, the languages are all KINDA related". but they dont wanna admit where the source of their language and ability to communicate, and have a prosperous life, comes from... and i will show you later why...they tell you stories about the annunaki, about UFOs and ancient sumerian idols who supposedly landed on the top of the ziggurats and gave the language to the sumerians....should we believe such nonsense ? have aliens ever landed while we are alive ? or is it just another silly story of the jew richard branson aka david icke who makes money selling his jew-literature ?
 here you can see some other languages, the early greek, the early etruscan, phoenician and early roman. also strongly reminds of middle hebrew. surprise surprise, why is that ? hmmm we can see before the greek and roman alphabet existed,  as used later during classic times at the peak of their culture, they first had to turn the symbols 90° and started writing from left to right, as we still do today. but in earlier times it wasnt so... we also still can see its basically the same alphabet, even tho they added a bunch of konsonants. our modern alphabet has 26 letters. then look below, the nabatean (old arabian language) and arabic, and how similar they also are to the middle hebrew/phoenician..... modern linguists that receive a 6-digit income anually in any modern university, all agree "yeah the languages are kinda related, no hebrew is defo not the first language, so lets call it phoenician (the phoenix actually being a bird from the ancient mysteries, and the phoenix cycle is nothing but a mercury transit during spring equinox, which happens every 652 years).these "scholars" say yes lets dig up some more archeological evidence and compare them all to the rosetta stone"... then write more dissertations and give each other medals, diplomas and honours. and write weird books about the annunaki in sumeria and egyptian lightbulbs or the pyramids... you can travel throughout the world and give lectures and score some hot female students who are dieing to get an A+ because they believe it will "foster their career"... aint life grand ?
 see even the last king of babylon (belshazzar) couldnt understand hebrew, when the writing on the wall appeared. first daniel had to be called because he was a jew and cold read both languages... he lived in the worlds epicenter of power, ruled over a vast empire, offered to his pagan gods in their shrines, and cared not where his power derived from. all he cared about was that it works, and the goodies keep flowing. so why bother ? the modern day rulers of our world just have the same thinking. they take culture for granted but never question who paved the way to the first monotheism, before achenaton from egypt could copy it, and wrote the real law down before hammurabi could claim it as his own... but all of this silly stealing is not gonna change the facts. becuase a copy is always less formidable than the original.
 remember when judah and israel was taken captive to assyria and babylon around 5 or 6BC and the land got repopulated by the king, and in the shomron area of today they settled new people, to weaken the rebellious jewish culture. thats how the samaritans came into existence. they exist until today and have their own form of rituals and books. in jesus time the jews despised them thats why the G-man told the parable of the "good samaritan"... ok just look at their alphabet... do you wanna tell me now that samaritan also is "kinda related" with the rest of the languages, but thats just coincidence and they all hve the same value ? wow, you could work at university for dean of human sciences with professor lick-my-dick, pass the internship exam and 6 weeks from now start digging in troy, mosul or baghdad !
 and call the source of all semitic languages a random huey "proto semitic" source... hahahahahaha
then hand out square mortarboard caps for your students to wear upon graduation, so that theyre proud of their masonic indoctrination.
 here i painted the hebrew alphabet next to the can see its basically again yet another rip-off
believe me all throughout history, the sons of the carnal woman have warred against teh sons of the promise, not only are they in delusion about their own heritage, but they shamelessly steal history, subvert it and reclaim it as their own. as have ALL PAGAN CULTURES. you will see this by reading "the two babylons"
 so why is it that carnal people who live life to the fullest on the material plane, arrogantly deny to give g-d honor for al the good things they can enjoy, good food, good sex, good guitars and an iPod with 300GB of storage space, much travel and education and learning, peaceful living in any european city. and whenever you even mention the name jesus christ, they run away like a chicken ? d´uh its because of the spirits that live in that person. and these spirits love nothing more than to completely play dumb when it comes to giving back to g-d, or even mentioning his work, his people, his holy book are of any value, but that the whole world is just the result of the big bang, that we descended from primeval apes, and that hitler coldnt have painted the micky mouse comics, only snowwhite and the 7 dwarves on big canvas on his nice neuschwanstein castle (that just by coincidence he later put into the disney logo), because he was such a big disney fan.... but just ask them about a fender stratocaster, they will sheepishly tell you that leo fender invented it, and that its such a great model that now worldwide thundreds and thousands of instrument-makers copied his design, double cutaway, maplewood body, 6 strings, 3 singlecoil pickups and a 5-way switch.... see thats the kind of stuff that they care about. they wont dare to say all those guitars are somewhat related but werent based on the fender design. when it comes to rock&roll, they know every detail of its history and have 10 beatles and led zeppelin records in their shelves... thats how people are.... but then ask them about the languages of the world and they say "yeah theyre all derived from some vague indo-european root, and hebrew is just another among many, and the jews moving to israel only disturb the arabs there, and the whole zionist thing makes no sense"... such people are clowns and deserve to read+write in egyptian hieroglyphs or read newspapers made from cuneiform tablets. how can people be so demonically stubborn and deny g-d ? these people are really demonically infested. demons are the parasites of creation, as fallen spirits they inhabit carnal people who only care to meet their carnal needs and never ever give credit to their creator, whose stories are so simple a child can understand them...
 ok i have to mention sumerian too... i hve to say sumerian sounds really different, i couldnt find much communalities with hebrew at all... only very little... i dont know why that is, but i, Mossad-ALF am not an accredited lecturer at harvard and princeton yet, but currently working on it in my global hegemonial domination scheme.....
 ok so back to the book of daniel. the jew daniel was as a young boy led into exile. he came to serve under 4 different hegemonial powers, under 4 different kings.  (by the time he was tossed into the lions den later on, he was an old man with white hair !!)back in those days the same mystery religions were practiced as today, so probably many of all those names we read in history books of ancient inventors, kings etc, are only masonic realities. but lets assume all 4 kings in fact were 4 actual people. so daniel was chief counselor under nebukadnezar the babylonian head of empire, later under dareios the mede, then under belshazar, last king of babylon, and finally under the persian cyrus the great. (great in the sense of worldly power, not spiritually great, which is something entirely different). we can see all those ancient kings, bearing their idol names in their royal names (bel, marduk, ishtar, ra, horus, etc.) otherwise they wouldnt have been allowed to rule.
 so here we have dareios the mede, who like all other mundane rulers couldnt find his chaldeans, astrologers etc smart enough to match daniels jewish brilliance. so he put him in charge instead ! was that also just coincidence ?
 belshazar the last babylonian, reigned while his father was out of town...
 and cyrus of persia... notwithstanding that all those kings were initiated into the mysteries and probably led other lives besides, that we today dont know anything of in recorded history, they all spoke their respective semitic language...chaldean or akkadian, aramaic or neo-babylonian, and if they were well educated also sumerian (sumerian was until about 1BC used as a scholarly language like today latin or greek). but when the "MENETEKEL" appeared to belshazzar, the last babylonian king, he wasnt even able to read it. why ? because he didnt speak hebrew. he only cared about language as long as it served his purpose.. just like today all the world speaks english, because its the lingua france...they think language is something ubiqutious that´s jut there, and it came from out of nowhere and theres no deeper meaning.. how wrong this thinking is will be proved when you watch a simple 1-hour video about gematria. you will see that languages are not coincidence.
 like with everything theres people that hate the bible, or that love it. so some people claim an "indo-european root" to language, while others (like me) believe that at babylon the languages were divided, when the tower of nimrod fell and the languages were confounded and the different tribes and nations began to spread out in the second world (after the water baptism of the earth in the flood). if you however still dont believe me that hebrew was the primeval language, check out this website of isaac mosseson, its called EDENICS.
 here he describes  how even in todays evolved languages that are so different and use different alphabets, asian ones, kyrillic, arabic alphabet, hebrew or aramaic alphabets, tamil or sanskrit alphabets, theres still so much communality and the primeval influence from before babel still duly reflects... when you spend 20 minutes on this list and really let it sink in, i have to say i cannot connect with every single find, but in many times it is clear, how we still basically use the same words today, as in former days, only with one konsonant change, or the root turned from left to right, or the vowels altered. thats really all there is to it. this website is highly interesting, he explains everything pretty well...then if you still dont believe me, read "the two babylons" from alexander hislop. it will take some hourse to get into the material, but everythings well researched, and its really amazing how the languages (and pagan customs worldwide) are so closely connected, often with only the usual fine changes.. like the chaldeans turning shekel into tekel, or seraphim into teraphim, or the greeks adding their usual "os" sufix to the end of a word.. you can dig at every site in the fertile crescent or early europe, and will find that whatever language the early nations of the world used to gain material power, wealth, build large trading ships and navies, impose their lifestyle on weaker nations, or besieged jerusalem and yelled at the garrisons chief up on the wall, thinking they were in charge and not actually using a language that was merely a copy of the jews language, the very people they defamed and derided. much like today the arabs who curse jews in their native arabic and are not even aware their language and culture is nothing but a thirdgrade demonic washup from the primeval hebrew. can you now see everything in a new light ? the g-man expects us to see things in perspective and see the big value that the jews brought into the world, in times of old... but todays people only think like childish nations. how to make money, and turn on the entertainment system. they dont care about where we came from and all these connections. they dont realize that g-d uses the jews as a symbol for salvation to all mankind, and that their feasts and events recorded in tanakh (old testament) are very crucial, and up to the letter fulfilled in a spiritual re-visitation in the new testament, like in the parable of jesus where he multiplies fishes and barley loaves to feed the masses.(he multiplies the teachings of thora and moses, showing himself to be king and being able to feed all people multiplying the 5 books of thora into1000 times more, clearly proving he was moshiakh. ) is it then a wonder that nobody is interested in learning hebrew but go to take chinese courses instead because they´re told china will be the next big thing in the coming 2 or 3 generations. these people think carnally and dont think longterm. they argue that genesis isnt true because g-d didnt create the earth on 7 days, and dont even take a single hour to reflect on the fact that probably a jewish book needs to be read with a jewish perspective, with all the vivid imagery and deep poetry. and dont wanna learn about the 7 days of creation and the 7000 years of the jewish calendar... and say "well the material earth is billions of years old so genesis must be wrong"... they think like the pagan greeks, who loved butt-sex and wine and useless philosophy. and all our scholastic reasoning today derives from pagan greece and rome..they believe in the illusion of democracy, mob-rule, which is a complete illusion, since throughout all times and ages the power structure hasnt changed.
 ancient hebrews thought differently. the greeks think from A to B, linear. hebrews think circular. the cycles of life and birth, of nations and eradication of nations. the cycle of the planets and the sun.  and also the cycle of cultures, who are created, and by the worship of higher beings and spirits get wisdom to prosper and form great empires or city states.... all throughout recorded history this has happened. the modern historians that say "yes 10 000BC people lived in caves and hunted the mammoth with sticks and spears, and see how far we have developed today" clearly show the mundane, the unspiritual and un-hebraic thinking pattern. they cannot see technology for what it is, only distraction from the main issue. today we drive cars with 4 times more horsepower than in the 1960s. but people still complain the holidays and surftrip back then in southern california or france were unmatched, and would give everything just for a single week to turn back time. PAGANS always measure prosperity in how much stuff they can ammass. JEWS always measured mankinds relation to its creator. when that relationship is intact, theres "shalom" and peace and fulfillment and prosperity. when it gets distracted, theres wars, anger and dis-ease... so thats why the bible was written. not to be judged by unspiritual people only interested in money, a cheap quickie with his polish secretary and how to become a millionaire overnight in a dotcom internet boom. modern man cannot see that the ancient vedas written by indian arians thousands of years ago, are much better reading than all those modern newspapers and endless flood of misinformation. but people are bound by the spirits inhabiting them. they deny g-d therefore he has given them over to hunt for another fix and another fix and another fix... while the root problem isnt being cured. we can see today the natural minded (nonbelieving) people pattern their lives after their idols, all of them mundane jews(not outwardly practicing) who due to their ageold blessing to the patriarchs can even today enjoy the spiritual promises and benefits bestowed unto them and their progeny. today we live probably 120 generations after abraham, if we consider 3 generations per century. we can see all the hollywood stars and great heroes being jews, but disguising under other names. while all the goys try to imitate them and their hollywood lifestyle, but dont even try to go back to the source. in jewish thinking, you can judge the character of a man by the children he leaves to the world. remember the promise "i will bless your progeny up to 1000( or very many) generations. this is clearly fulfilled today. why can a little jerk like marc zuckerberg (and thats not even his real name) start facebook and bust the forbes list in 5 short years ? why can all those jew pornstars screw around like hell ? why can jewesses like opra and madonna build whole empires for themselves ? cause of their forefathers. its not by their own merit at all.
 mundane people with their hellenistic mind can see the circular life cycle and circular planetary movement, but canot see the circulary movement of nations and cultures on earth, because they see themselves as the epicenter of all space and time. and so they think linear, from A to B. and believe that 20 000 years ago people had less living standard than today. how can this be, when before the flood there was half the worlds water bound up in the atmosphere and prevented dangerous radiation so people could live to be hundreds of years old ? enoch lived 365 years. metushelah lived even 969 years. and in the coming messianic age people will live just as long ! look at stephen hawking the demoniac scooting around in his wheelchair being invited to the top elite ivy league universities speaking complete rubbish. and people think he´s a great scholar... and g-d laughs about them. he laughs about silly old sex-crazed professors like jim slip aka salomon korn, who has only an outwardly form of religion, or many others who only want to use his creation for their own ends.building a jew-gantic 9-armed menorah in front of the white house, when he clearly told them the menora should have 7 arms. they are usurpers nothing else. when they invented the 9-armed menora, they hadnt won a war in 800 years since david had kicked the philistine invaders (plischtim) back to the sea coast, because it was clearly not their land, they were from crete where the bull-cult was present. why give the future jerusalem (jeruscha inheritance) to deluded baal worshippers? go find some other place somewhere else, isnt the world big enough, do you hve to bring your silly bull-cult to jerusalem, silly philistinians / palestinians ? do you wanna buy some testosterone-viagra pills from my philistinian online-shop ? each package contains enough phallic power to last jim slip for an entire month ! 

mundane people deny hebrew was the first language, and that in the plain of shinar the languages were divided.. they trust in their C14- carbon-dating and  their scholarly research... but when it all boils down to and you challenge all their theories, you see that they only parrot the stuff that their own carnal teachers have told them. and so it goes on and on... but ancient hebrews knew that cities are dark places, where only crime and deceit prosper... they didnt bother about guessing wether to vote republican or democrat, drink pepsi or cola, since it was clear to them that both are not a choice but just products put out by the same hidden hand.. they knew that g-d is the wellspring of "shalom" and prosperity and that he shows up age after age through a prophet, or avatar and gives divine light, and then over time it becomes corrupted more and more.. until everything starts again... we can see this not just in religious teachings. but also in the languages of the earth...
 see, they cant understand the spiritual, hebraic reasoning of circular pattern, but are trapped in linear thinking. but g-d isnt linear. look at all the galaxies out there. are they organized in a rectangular silly masonic checkboard pattern ? no theyre not. masonry only initiates you to worship the lower elements, pagan mysteries, geometry, astronomical and astrological reality, serving the ruler that has the lease contract on time, not to the real owner of the joint.

check back with the book of daniel. here is described how different spiritual rulers (angels, ) are set over each nation. and that as the spirits battle with each other (ass above so below), the human nations also battle with each other for hegemony in wars or schemes, how to sell their new software or product etc. see the natural man canot understand these things. he says all nations are merely product of coincidence....
 since all demonic fallen spirits from day one (having sex with women of human form, transgressing against their abode and falling into another weekly cycle of 6000 years of material mundane lordship) have done nothing than to use and abuse the given playground, and have not invented nor created ANYTHING BY THEMSELVES, how in the world can probably turkish, or sumerian or some weirdo indo-european primeval proto-tounge be the first language, when in front of their eyes israel is being reborn, with a perfect language thats so compact and clever only using 22 consonants, so compact yet so decisive...
see how americans talk. they are short, but use minimum amount of words with maximum effect. thats how the boss talks. long winding phraseology like the german "Umlaut-Monster" and building extralong nouns out of 3 other nouns, is only used by germans, and other lower cultures.. so to grind down first a pictoral script, then a syllabic script  into a compact and powerful 22-letter konsonantal alphabet is quite a process. not all cultures on earth have gone through their life cycle until making that step. the mayans used a pictoral script and their culture lasted only few hundred years. is that a wonder when you build pyramids and perform life sacrifices to quetzalcoatl ?

by the way just a little side-note from Mossad-ALF, did you really believe in the maya calendar hoax? hahahahahaha, it was just a hoax that i put out there to make money out of it with my faithful jew-sidekicks the trutherhoes, david icke, and alex jewns, so i could finally get my very own "patriotic" radio station in salt lake city. "Mossad-ALFs hour of Truth --- tracing the remains of the lamanites in mesoamerica" sponsored by the BYU university Neal A. Maxwell institute...

i dont know i could write another 2 hours here but probably most people still would argue with me and instead run to their university and believe there they will get the super-education by the sages of our time.... 
u know what.. i simply give up. i keep learning my stuff, you guys keep learning your chinese instead.. then you can watch the fireworks and watch the red dragon and wear a red lampion and eat soup with chopsticks....

good luck and best of wishes.. Mossad-ALF 

just a little addition here.. recently been looking at the aramaic/syriac alphabet and its very similar to the hebrew. suddenly i realized that even in our modern alphabet used for all romanic languages (which our scientists call "arabic alphabet", lolbagel !) theres still 3 trunks left that are exact like in the original hebrew. wait i´ll post a pic so u´ll see. read from right to left.... you´ll see it, its obvious..

why cant i find a single friggin mp3 tanakh on the entire internet ?

 so for now over 2 years i was looking for a tanakh (hebrew bible) as mp3 that i could put on my ipod to listen to. do you think i would ever find one ? other religions push their scriptures and give them away for free like christians, muslims, hindus, krishnas or witches. do you think the jews would do that ? hell naw.. so the entire internet is flooded with a free mp3 tanakh. you can download it from or a myriad of other websites. problem is the reader is mizrahi (his name is avraham shmueloff), and i cant listen to that shit for more than 5 minutes before going completely bananas. believe me i´ve ok beside the avraham shmueloff version, it took me now almost 3 years to find an mp3 tanakh, and so far i only have about half or 1/3rd of the books. the rest i still gotta find somewhere....
 are the jews a black hole that swallows money ? hmm probly they were sent from the BORG to prepare mankind for an alien absorption... who knows...
 why is it that everybody constantly keeps begging for money for israel. dont they have enough money by now, since they run everyting ? anyone care to comment ? we clearly can see the spiritual poverty leading to material the problem is a much deeper one...its about stewardship.. see jehuda ish kiriot was a thief and stole form the common purse.(the NT is a prophetic book, all thats described in there is happening today) and along with that comes the reward of a thief its that the money runs right through your fingers and you constantly have to steal more and more....
 ok so i finally found some mp3 files from but the files are all verse for verse. so i had to use a free program called "merge mp3" to finally get some good tanakh file. then i used "audacity" to add chapters to the text, which was quite some work, but finally i have some tanakh audio on my ipod ! we could actually ask this rav from machonshilo wether we cold make another available tanakh version available online, we could put "recorded by machon-shilo" on the beginning of every single file, and that would be good advertizement.... probably there are other people out there who are fed up with avraham shmueloffs( may he rest in peace) yelling mizrahi pronunciation.
heres the final books, i have now about 1/3rd or half the tanakh...thats awesome ! i am really satisfied with this version. the reader has a calm and gentle voice and only a slight mizrahi touch to it, very nice to listen to. couldnt have bought a better one !  a professional recording of tanakh costs between 60 and 100 $.

ok i want to add another thing here... when you google for "free hebrew bible" what you will find is a link to a christian company that makes the new testament available in every language on earth, in two recordings, with dramatization and without. i have to say i have this same hebrew NT on my ipod too and like it a lot, its well recorded, but why do they advertize it as a "hebrew bible". thats rediculous. its not a bible at all. its a friggin new testament. so why not just call it that and try to go fishing for jews. do u think the jews will fall for such a 3rd grade trick, LOL. when it comes to tricks the jew are an entirely different league, this advertizement is misplaced and doesnt work... so i just wanted to say this in defense, since the jews often get misquoted etc... also most of the time when people quote from the talmud to show how evil the talmud is, they rip everything out of context. thats also retarded. guys, just be honest, its the easiest and best way. and dont try to convert another soul to your own spiritual destiny, IT IS USELESS since every soul has its own destiny which cannot be influenced by human effort, only bended a little bit here and there.

looks like HIV is just another hoax, but AIDS is not...

ok, i did not collect all too many good pictures for this thread, but its an interesting affair. we have exposed now  a couple dozen hoaxes already, and i wondered about HIV. theres many people that claim they been healed from HIV and others have been misdiagnosed. i started to wonder wether HIV (the dangerous virus that always morphs into a new shape and therefore cant be combatted with an antiserum...) is even real... so my take on this is the following: AIDS (the immune deficit syndrome that many homosexuals or people living in remote parts of the world under bad hygiene suffer from), is very real, meaning these people really are sick to the point that their immune system breaks down at some point and cant deal anymore. but likely HIV itself is a hoax. POLSKAWEB also wrote about the pharmaceutical "mafia", that just invents new diseases like pig-flu or bird-flu to push some flu-shots... since these people run the entire world and we´re just puppets on their checkerboard, they can tell us what they want. so they make good money by those medications....well at some point when you hve all that power, moneys not the issue, but they have a certain script that consists of all those stories of old, of the pagan philosophers and esoteric wisdom(insider), wether we only learn the exoteric (plain, mundane knowledge) in public schools and therefore are their happy servants...

 there seems to be a fair amount of folks that say AIDS is a hoax. i didnt just make this one up.
 some people even have personal testimony
 then they taught us in school about aids day and how important it is to show support for those who "suffer" from being attracted to unhealthy disgusting, "I put my wiener into your rectal cavity" lifestyle...and say its all genetically, and not a choice... you now know which school i was educated in when you´ve seen the last posts,  i swear in like 8th or 9th grade they would set apart a whole day where they schooled us on "acceptance for same-sex attraction and underage "messing around"" and handed out leaflets where it was described how to do fisting(complete with pictures and everything), and they would pass out free condoms and other such crap. to teenagers of course ! see they have to start early to subvert the nations, remember how tiny the tip of the pyramid is, if all people would be strong they wouldnt stand a chance with their racket.
they know family is the most important structure of any nation, if they can destroy that, they only have cattle in human form that they can use in whatever way they please. so people actually every year ran around with that silly red ribbon on their shirts.. i dont know what the esoteric meaning of the ribbon is....but remember for all those symbols theres a mundane meaning, but also an esoteric meaning. remember the tie you wear to go to work. without tie, you cant work in a bank, lawyers office or as CEO of any country ! see how no mundane meaning is given for the tie, they say its just coincidence which of course is HOGWASH. the tie represents the rope of the initiate mason passing from his mere existence into a "new life" and seeing how all people on earth are bound by satans government. when you a simpleminded "christian" familyfather of 5 go to work in their office with a sheepish attitude, you dont even know what you wear on your neck, but they do know !! now imagine you start preaching to them about "jesus" while they laugh into their pockets of a deluded clown wearing masonic attire on his very throat and not even knowing what the hell goes on.
so signs and symbols are VERY IMPORTANT, thats why you should all download manly P halls free pdf book "secret teachings of all ages" or read alexander hislops "two babylons"..

here, check out this new video i made on the subject....

i really need to write another post about "the two babylons" of alexander hislop, a lay preacher from the 1850s who wrote an incredible book about how the modern roman church is just a revived form of the babylonian cult of nimrod and semiramis, even to the smallest detail... the book was extra interesting since speaking now hebrew i can see the connections he draws from hebrew to chaldee, akkadian, and then later greek and roman.. it makes total sense, you can see how the languages separated but theyre still so similar that you can absolutely trace the roots and see how all those pagan g-ds are connected or only a copy of each other... its fascinating and i recorded the entire book as an mp3 audiobook. if anybody can give me webspace i will host it.since i ve no cellphone i can only upload videos up to 15 minutes to youtube.
 so what are the odds, they tell us denying HIV is a big no-no and compare it to holocaust denial...  i know denying the holocaust completely is silly since almost all jews alive today lost some family in the holocaust. but u see how devilish they do it, when you start to find some truth, they immediately pull it into an extreme to make you look rediculous. they´re hellbent on damage prevention... so that right there clearly shows the whole HIV thing is very doubtworthy...

 i have to quote the book again, how many times ad nauseam it repeats itself, dont fear, dont fear, dont fear ? ever wondered why it says that ? we have now seen so many hoaxes and the gigantic matrix of lies the fallen world is subject to, since the father of lies is CEO of the enterprise "earth".. we´re scared of atomic bombs, scared of HIV, scared about fukushima, scared of the next cold war, scared of iran war (no3), scared of this scared of that... but in reality when you know the truth you can just laugh about it since the world is in a much beter state than we actually believe !.
 remember what bob marley said, emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. mnone but yourselves can free your mind.
ok i dont post no videolinks here but its pretty obvious that HIV is just another SCAM...on to the next subject...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

what wiccans believe.....

 a while already i wanted to make this post, its about what wiccans and neo-pagans and witches believe. many people who grew up in churchy homes dont have the slightest clue what these people believe, what their books contain and their outlook on life. i read large parts of this PDF available on the internet. buckland´s complete book of witchcraft. buckland is one of the founders of seax wicca. there are just like in churches many different denominations of the craft (as they call it), and numerous umbrella organisations.. in all developed nations some people follow this lifestyle, that basically teaches that church separated people from their original innocent nature-worship, the keeping of solstices and equinoxes, their inner sixth sense. that the church is the bad guys and the druids, celtic priests of old were the good guys, and that the biblical concept of satan and YHVH are false, and that its basically the other way around, that everything needs to be reverted and the old customs need to be revived... i will give a bit of an overwiev of whats in this book, so as to show what these people stand for and believe and practice..
 the book contains some unorthodox teachings like reincarnation that the 21st century western society does not believe in...i have to say as a truth seeker, there are many things described in this book that regular society just denies or doesnt want to be taught. however that doesnt mean its false. thats why its called occult knowledge, hidden from the general public.
 they understand that to comunicate with a higher power you first have to cleanse your body and prepare your spirit. sometimes they do rituals naked, to minimize material burden. solitary witches (ones that dont meet to practice rituals in a coven) do this often, since its more powerful... what wiccans basically do, is communicating with demons, bodiless spirits who live in the elements, plants, animals or in nature around us. its similar to animism practiced by simple cultures all over the world. of course these demons make themselves out to be the good guys. spirits always seek a house to live in. humans are on top of the natural order, so better live in a human than some animal or tree (some people in papua-new guines or africa worship even trees and plants when they know that a powerful spirit lives in there).... i dont wanna delve into wicca-bashing too much here, just wanted to mention that all that is described in this book basically puts you on a trajectory that will turn you into a very opponent of what the ancient hebrews stood for, or basically monotheists, which was the higher way of culture, when it came up, opposed to polytheism...
 buckland has written a good book... here he always makes a little repetition to arouse interest in the book and give readers a little summary...
 he teaches them how to build an altar and other tools they need for their religion.
 here is described how to make a knife also called an "athame". there are a handful of utensils that every wiccan needs, they have ritual and traditional power. the athame is one of them. its even described how to etch a slogan onto the blade...
 how to build a wooden grip for the blade...
 some other utensils like the sword are not really necessary but a nice bonus... the utensils like the ritual cup, the pentagram, amulets, the athame etc. are put on the altar unless used for a ceremony..
 the horned helmet is really important. in wiccanism, the deity always is male and female. in the rituals you have the group of coven-members, and then the priestess who always wears the moon sickle on her forehead and the male priest who has a horned helmet. this is a standard just like the catholic bishops wear the dagon mitre. if you wanna watch a wiccan ritual in action, there are many on youtube to watch. all sorts of incantations and rituals are being shown, from O.T.O or thelema to wiccans of any color.. so you see spirit worship (or devil worship as the bible calls it) is very much alive in the 21st century, and just like in the old days theres ardent supporters for both sides of the scale, some people say its of the devil and evil, the others say no the church has it wrong and has a bad reputation due to its history and we need to do this celtic, babylonian and pagan stuff instead, its the better way...
 here its described how to make a simple dress from rough cloth...probably suitable for a warlock living in solitude in upper oregon near mt. shasta in his herb-garden. but dont be fooled witches and "lightworkers" are found in the highest echelons of power in any country. in fact many of them make up our mundane societys leaders. dont believe me ? just watch the interviewer talking to morgan freeman about being a "man of g-d" after him playing g-d in some movie.. watch how he freaks out and gets angry, hahaha.... see the spirit thats inside a person is easy to detect. its obvious...
 there are some alphabets mentioned in bucklands book like the futhark runes, who they believe to have some special power... some other weird alphabets that i never even heard of... when joseph smith started his mormon "church" in utah, he also invented the alphabet of deseret. some early mormon books were even written in it. the mormon church was started by a mason, an illuminist and a warlock. its a masonic church from day 1. has nothing at all to do with roots christianity.. in america every clown can start a religious organization and get support without even paying taxes. thats why so many clowns run churches there, and then people wonder why theres so many churches that just suck big time...but they forget to mention the ones that are for real...
 so of course this buckland guy after being a protégé of gerald gardner, the superguru of wiccanism, started his own branch, namely seax wicca, who has a saxon touch to it...
 some of the stuff they know is really smart. they know eg. that all names have a numerical value, and when they give themselves new witch names, they choose one that corresponds to their RL name in numerical gematria value... also in one of the first pages of a later chapter of this PDF, where it talks about develoing a 6th sense, its mentioned how ALL matter has a "memory", that means whenever you or me touch a stone, tree or animal or another human being, theres a spiritual process going on and that event is recorded in the "DNA" of that chunk of matter for a long time. thats also why leylines work, and why even today after 1000 or more years those old offering and ritual sites of the celts in europe still hve spiritual significance and why all the fancy cathedrals were built at those places by the hermetically illuminated masons (often jews) who were the governments, margraves, kings and dukes and bishops at that time... so when today at st. pauls cathedral or notre dame in paris a big mass is held, its not really a christian event at all. given the fact that most holy days of today are just mere images of the old pagan traditions, its a really pagan show going on.. i just finished recording "the two babylons -- by alexander hislop" as an audiobook, probly will make a new post about that too sometime. fascinating book especially if you know hebrew, since then u can understand the old chaldee words (neo-babylonian), and how the entire pagan religions of the whole world are basically one system.. this book shows that really good..
 so then the coven members get a witch name. covens are organized in organizations and theres a district council, state council, national council and finally world councel for every organization (gardner wicca, seax wicca, other denominations etc.) so you see its pretty much organized like any other church with simple people on the bottom and big people on the top)...
 during the year there are several important feasts. you can see later HOW IMPORTANT TO THEM are the solstices and the equinoxes, they are VERY CRUCIAL !!! also in between them they fit 4 other festivals so all in all thats already 8 annual festivals.. for all those festivals theres a ritual and procedure that they follow, its all written in this book... this book is only for seax wicca, so the gardner wiccans or the thelema guys or the OTO guys or any of the other many denominations of witchcraft and wicca will have a slightly different ex-plan. (wiccans, satanists and witches dont even regard themselves as belonging to the same club, they say they wicca, satanism and witchcraft is completely different much like catholics and protestants and smaller church movements say how different they are but to a muslim or haitian voodoo priest,  they´re probably all 3 similar or the same)...
 then this "initiation" ritual strongly reminded me of freemasonry where the same rope around the neck appears to remind the initiate that he is bound for life by this hermetic initiation into a new life... pretty much this whole "new life" crap or "second birth" reminds strongly of the baptism of the new testament...of course now both sides claim that the other side stole the idea from them, hehe....
 see its a symbolic death they undergo...
 here some ritual explained...
 before wiccans can even start to draw down power or perform a ritual they first have to clean the place. so a "banishing ritual" needs to be applied. they MUST NOT BREAK THE circle where the ritual is performed, this is very dangerous and spirits have gravely shocked, hurt or even killed people that interrupted the ritual or tried to enter or exit the magic circle... you see, this stuff is really serious, its not just some harry potter or bibi blocksberg hokey pokey. the spirits that they communicate with are just as powerful as back in the days where they enticed the ancient peoples we read about in history books into worshipping them and building their cultures around them, strengthened by their teachings, protected by their powers...
 here samhain, the "witches sabbath" one of the 4 annual feasts (aside from the equinoxes and spring/fall-point) on 22nd march/september.
 in this chapter they go into how to develop a sixth sense, to train their minds and spirits to communicate with the unconscious, find forgotten car keys, or ultimately see a persons face or learn about his character merely by touching some piece of clothing that he wore etc...
 they learn about the 7 chakras and the 7 corrresponding glands that pour out hormones/feelings.
 here again they state their standpoint about the church and that they´re the "bad guys" and supposedly only brought bad things to the cultures they conquered with the cross, and that the ancient druids, celts etc. had a childlike faith in nature, and were better in touch with their real selves and their inner astral man...they forget to mention hoever that probly those big churches like the RCC in the middle ages didnt kill nearly as many witches as albigensers, waldensers, quakers and other true christians since most of their bishops and popes were a bunch of joos.
 so you see what they describe here reminds me strongly of the "breathing exercize" the aforementioned headmaster of our school did with us kids during school hours... i wrote about this in the former post "how the masons put a friggin pyramid on our school":..
 theres also a section about dreams, how to interpret them, the often appearing symbols and their interpretation. this reminds me of joseph in egypt who interpreted pharaos dream. the egyptians and probly many old cultures were big time into dream interpretation.
 continued ... dream interpretation...
 then here they learn to school their sixth sense....they start out with simple exercizes like feeling different types of cloth, later they go to harder and harder exercizes....
 or getting a yes/no answer by throwing a dice or using a pendulum, or ouija board, blurring the line between external spiritual influence and the inner "foreknowledge", that can guess the right answer even before it receives it... this stuff really works.
 here i explained before already how they understand how every chunk of matter, even a stone, has a spiritual memory, thats why even today the catholics with its earth-encompassing cult of babylonian reversionism with billions of followers and millions of pilgrims annually, put all their "sacred" sites like fatima in portugal  or all the other shrines like lourdes in france, on the ancient pagan offering and ritual places. the old spirits still control these masses of people as if the new testament never had been written. since most people are spiritually blinded to it and still under the old earth spirit.
 then they go into divination and tarot readings. there are some 20 or so picture cards(big arcana) with the usual symbols, the hanged man, the tower, the virgin, death etc. and then the regular 52 cards(minor arcana) that u use for poker playing etc. they are laid in a certain pattern and every part of the pattern means something else. the cards are drawn in coincidental fashion, but when done by a witch or fortune teller or medium, the cards will indeed lie in precisely the right spot, and he can foretell the future..
 ten they even explain how some people who are really serious about the whole thing, deprave themselves of their senses, and put themselves into darkness and kill all sensory input to become more spiritual aware. kinda like a monk in a monastery only more extreme...
 they explain palmistry and what the lines on the hand mean. i hve to say i searched on the internet and found that about palmistry theres not much different opinions wherever you look it seems to be a pretty well researched branch of the occult knowledge..
 then they explain another thing that the common man just laughs about and shrugs off, namely astrology and how the planetary deities/rulers influence all life on earth, mostly during the birth and death (natal chart), but also as horary charts for events at any given time during life... thats why some people run to their astrologer all the time they always want to harvest the "best energy" for when they start their new company, marriage, beget a child etc... the ancient chaldeans were MASTER ASTROLOGERS thats why the magi came to bethlehem when jesus was born they said "we have seen his star"...
 then they teach about the different herbs and how to make oils, ointments, potions out of them and extract them for use.. i think many people in the past and present were healed or helped by these potions, so you see these witches are not all stupid.. imagine in former times without modern medicine, when an old woman broke her hipbone or a young person had an infected appendix or a warrior was hit by a sword or axe, they only had herbal medicine and, spiritual healing by special "healers" as they are still to be found today... in the christian church too there are special apostles and elders (i´m talking underground church here, not the fake, big ones like catholic, protestant or presbyterian etc.), who will heal by the power of jesus christ, so missing limps will grow back or short legs grow back into perfectly long legs etc... so also these lower spirits that the wiccans worship(demons), can do the same thing, and heal people. however they dont do it always, but mostly want a service in return. but basically we can see how all matter is under a spiritual power. since spiritual power can heal matter. yet matter itself cannot influence the spiritual reality.
 some more herbalism... great to know when you wanna put some laxative into your bosses coffee when he has given you too much workload... (little sidenote form mossad-ALF)
 then here in this section it talks about how they actually perform certain rituals to influence the surrounding reality.. like doing a love spell, a money spell etc... one of their slogans is "yay it harm none, do what thou wilt (shall be the whole of thy law)"... they repeat this mantra ad nauseam... if any of these people wold have been christian missionaries before, they would actually see what a bunch of bull they talk ! since they can only see the world through their own eyes they canot see the great destruction that oftentimes spiritism causes. often to completely innocent people. but thats an entirely different chapter...
 ok more about herbalism here....
 the different ways of filtration, extraction and application
 of course theres "white magicians" and "black magicians", and the "white magicians" are the good ones.... hahahah these people are hilarious...
 here they train their senses to see things in the spirit even if theyre not visibla in the natural realm...
 preparing for a ritual....
 this ones funny... we all know those stories form witches sabbath where they dance in a circle, ride on goats or fly on brooms... they do this mainly on the solstices and theres also special chants etc for will see further down...
 then its described how to make candles, and use them for a candle ritual...they might try to sell those at the annual christmas market, hehe (just kiidding..)
 heres how to do a love spell....with funny puppets layed on top of each other... i hope these puppets dont work for missionary position only. for doggystyle or more exotic positions you have to get extra puppets (buy them in mossad-alfs onlinestore, the finest fetiches and spell puppets imported from trinidad and haiti, with a genuine Rihanna autograph)
heres a bit about gerald gardner, he´s to wiccanism the same thing that luther, zwingly, bucer,or john knox were to christinaity or the reformation...basically the grandfather of the modern revived wicca movement, who gave the structure, wrote the imporant books, paved the way for acceptance within modern society...
 then the special alphabets i already mentioned. they use those for inspriptions or to communicate among each other in secret manner....kinda like the "magic ink" made from lemon juice that you learned about in 1st grade that appears when you put it on the heater or over a candle...
 then theres a part about sex magic and that its a very powerful way to draw down/release energy.. not everybody practices this.. reminds me also of tantra, used in india by some hindoo gurus.. a traveling pastor that i know talked about visiting india, and that its not just overpopulated but a spiritual hellhouse. he cold literally feel demons attack him, during a train ride from area to area, where these fallen spirits are rulers over certain geographical areas, he reported having all sorts of headaches or other aches that suddenly came and went as the train rode along throughout the countryside..i absolutely believe him, just look what a spiritually depraved place india today is. the indian continent received much light in old old times through the vedas as written down by the arians etc. but it has become distorted over time, most places where idolatry prospers, turns into a mess after a while. just look at the overpopulation and all the weird practices that go on there....people sitting ona  tree for 30 yrs or groving fingernails 60cm long, WTF ?? no wonder they cannot reach a high cultural development and tony greenberg and Jew berrymore are milking them bollywood style.. i remember a documentary movie about a new indian fighter jet being developed, it was a simple jet like the fouga magister, RAF gnat, or alpha jet. the pilot only had to do a simple barrel roll, it was the first time he tried that maneuver. after successfully completing it he went straight to his shrine and lit up some candles and incense and offered prayers to one of their deities. i mean WTF. it was just a friggin barrel roll !
 then it describes how to make talismans. they have to be made on special days, by special people and with special metals. everything has to be done hermetically to create maximum energy flow...does it really work ? hmm probly it helps a lot if u actually believe in this... even in israel today (who spiritually is a form of the whore babylon, i described many times in this blog all the idolatries of israel and their idol worship etc.) there are many silversmiths goldsmiths etc who make a living by making planetary talismans etc.
 then here the healing/reiki part...
 they also make some of their own foods, and have numerous recipes... like the actual famous "witch" , the old ugly lady with a big nose and nosewart, as described in grimms tales etc...
 they even teach how to heal absent people, just like jesus healed the servant of a roman soldier even tho he was in some house miles away from the actual event...
 then heres a funny one.... of course since the planetary energies all have correlating gems as well, and since the human body is actually a reflection of the things above (remember mossad-alfs nursery rhyme: "ASS above, so below") gems can be used to have an effect on certain body parts.... (the 12 constellations can be overlaid on the body, aries is the head, twins are the shoulders, the heart is leo, the neck is taurus, etc etc... the scorpio should aptly be placed on the sexual organs... capricorn (my sign) is the legs... a funny anecdote i hve to tell... like i mentioned i was in YWAM before, a missionary organisation mainly for young people... its a good organization but sometimes its hard to find jobs afterward since the courses are not recognized by regular institutions, universities or one of the chicks got afterwards a job doing some "gem therapy" by laying little flasks of fluids and gemstones on certain bodyparts... that was really funny.... she probly wouldnt have done this particular job if she would have peeked into "bucklands guide to witchcraft"...hehe...
 now after reading this book (who covers a large area and is to be read as an almanach, not just a novel you read once then throw away)... people are actually ready to start a coven of their own or win new followers, much like some loony christian churches do shouting out john 3:16 and trying to win many converts for more tithing money... but in the good spiritual clubs, be it church, or aything else, people dont try to win new converts but actually wait till they come out of free choice.. and i hve to admit oftentimes the people who worship lower spirits show much nobler character than loony "christians"...
 then they explain how to make a cape, a magic wand, and sandals....
 congratulations, if you read the entire post, mossad-ALF awards you with a certificate of graduation, you now are Harry Potter and will star alongside emma watson in the next harry potter sequel. you may now kiss the bride.
 remember of the "roof lifting ceremony" i described in my post "how the masons put a friggin pyramid on our school" ?? here they describe a similar fashion of vowel singing. you can also hear this on youtube when some witches perform a thelema ritual.. it also reminds me of vowel singing practiced by some mongol tribes in mongolia.  they practice actual real throat-singing producing many overtones. it sounds really spectacular !
 jew whom thou wilt, shall be the whole of thy law...
 ok where can i sign up for this shit ? i´m all stoked to out-smith the utah mormons, or out-jew the NYC heebs and start my own coven  really soon... (harhar)
 then heres some songs that are proposed... the whole system is kept pretty open, so they dont actually write you hve to do the rituals EXACTLY like that...but leave room for creativity for people to actually help recreate the old celtic, druidic paganism in our modern days...
 here it mentions some different denominatons of wicca in the 21st century...
 some more songs.....
 then they explain that even the names of the deities can change based on the denomination that you belong to.
 these are the festivals.. this is what it all boils down to... ALL ANCIENT CULTURES observed the annual focal points religiously and their whole system of life was based on this knowledge and devotion to the celestial bodies, their influence on earth.
 of course i suspect buckland to be a jew. can you blame me for that ? if he wasnt he wouldnt hve made it into the blog.... gardner actually might be one too... or am i just seeing jews behind everything and on every street corner ? probably yeah... i need to see my shrink...
 here again we can see the priestess wearing the moon sickle on her forehead. the moon sickle headband for the priestess and the horned helmet for the priest are an absolute essenial, they belong to the core of wiccan ritual. if you never read my blog and instead only listen to your sunday school teacher, who ever would hve told you that ? if not me- mossad-ALF the awesome superguru from the for "celtic ritual helmet". you will see these traditions are really really old, several thousand a new post sometime (or if anyone will help me host my audiobook on hislop´s "the two babylons") i will show you how all pagan religions ultimately derive from babylon, which was the first place where organized culture, organized religion really took off with nimrod and his wife semiramis.
 by the way on amazon theres also not just kazillion of weird metalbands that seem to worship all sorts of demons (with their music actually not being music at all but just trashy noise that these spirits basically play using the humans as a vehicle), no theres also actual music made by witches specifically for their in the case above... if i would want to mention all popular music thats influenced by spirits, i pretty much would hve to post a link to every single music file on all of amazon... i mean we live in a fallen world, only those who even give those spirits worship will be made popular and their music heard by us, the masses...
so all those famous jew-bands of the 60s, 70s 80s etc, and even further back and back way into the middle ages and time eternal, all had to give worship to their spiritual masters before striking it big on the billboard charts. beatles, led zeppelin u name it. see to jews, since the devil is just an outlandish concept, they´re free to engage in whatever litle "career booster" they choose... and so it is until today...
 ok heres the table of contents...
thats a page i forgot to add earlier to the proper place. tis about fire scrying and gemstone scrying or looking into a bowl with water and trying to get your spirit guide communicate something to you, answer a question etc.... so you see all the ancient crafts practiced by the ancients are in use today. and this book is only written for the regular everyday people next door. imagine what the higherups, the community leaders, the CEOs of all those big companies are initiated into... believe me theyre even doing human sacrifice until today... but that would be too much for this blog today.... gotta put a stop here... anyway this posts for all those religulous people who never look past their own horizon, to see what other people actually believe in and practice.... hope it wasnt all to preachy and stuff...

now i gotta log out, take 5 and smoke 1... cheers  ALF from melmac...